Chanel Inspired bag

Code : T0053
Price : RM48
Condition : Brand New
Color & Status :-
Black -Sold to Sue, Norfadzillah, Alicia, Farah, Sold to Nor Ashikin


  1. Anonymous Says:

    hi gal.. do u have it in metallic colours?

  2. Cartene Says:

    is the inspired chanel bag still available?

  3. Happy.Bear.Wardrobe Says:

    Cartene..Sorry dear no more....

  4. Kad Kahwin Indiekad Says:

    hi! i would like to have the white one.. do u have it?

  5. Happy.Bear.Wardrobe Says:

    Dear, still waiting for the stock from supplier...

  6. dayanaazhar:) Says:

    is it still available?